Rishi Sensei

Heading home to Amrika!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Garbanzo Beans

So, I don't know whether this is worth posting about, but I had to ask a fellow JET today how to say chick peas in Japanese, b/c I'm going to attempt to cook Indian food for everybody, since if I do that it doesn't matter how bad of a teacher I am they will all love me (as long as it's good, please pray for me). So I ask him how to say it, and he asks me back, "what's chick peas?" So what do I do, I say "Ya know, garbanzo beans". "Ooooooh, garbanzo beans, that's tykomo mame" (or something like that). Do you get it? Using Spanish with an ethnically Irish or something person from Maine to communicate in Japanese. Word to the previous post yo.


Blogger Steven Zhou said...

do you think their stomaches can handle indian food? it's like introducing buffalo wings to the french

7:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's hiyoko mame! I'm sure they'll love healthy food.

8:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chi Alpha hosted this concert tonight that made me think of you. The band is called Aradhna and they perform christian devotionals in the Hindi language. But the performers aren't Indian, they're all white. And the instruments are both eastern and western, the sitar, guitar, bass, violin and tabla. I was looking around at the audience in the concert and it was pretty multi-cultural. They head singer asked the audience who actually spoke Hindi and only like, 5 people raised their hand. So pretty much there's this mixed audience of people listeining to chrisitan music sung in a language they don't even understand. AND ENJOYING IT. It was just so...human. The human experience is all about enjoying God and enjoying each other. Cultural exchange is phenomenal. I trust your garbanzo beans were phenomenal as well = )

9:34 PM  

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